Dorkness Falls Receives Kickstarter’s ‘Project We Love’ Accolade, L. Gabriel Gonda to Join

Contact: Matt Vancil,
Friday 07 June 2024


Dorkness Falls Receives Kickstarter’s ‘Project We Love’ Accolade, L. Gabriel Gonda to Join

Tacoma, WA

Project We Love

On Wednesday (June 5th), Kickstarter selected Gamers 4: Dorkness Falls as a ‘Project We Love.” The recognition is Kickstarter’s “way of highlighting brilliant examples of creativity.” As part of the recognition, Kickstarter has added a badge under the project’s main image, and the campaign will be featured on Kickstarter.

L. Gabriel Gonda

Cabin 9 Films also announced the addition of L. Gabriel Gonda as Co-Director. “[Gonda] has a long history with this troupe,” wrote Writer/Director Matt Vancil. “If you’ve watched most any ZOE production over the last decade, you’ve seen his work.” Gabriel is the director of Dark Dungeons, Strowlers, Gamers the Series, and most recently Liberty Cabbage.

Gamers 4: Dorkness Falls is the conclusion to the feature-length film trilogy that started with Dorkness Rising (2008), and continued with Hands of Fate (2013). It is seeking $500,000 on Kickstarter through June 29th to fund the production. Visit for more information on the campaign.

Preproduction will begin in Fall 2024, and production in Spring 2025. The film is slated for a December
2026 release.

Cabin 9 Films is part of Matt Vancil’s Bearfoot Media LLC, and is managing the production of Dorkness Falls.

The Gamers: Dorkness Rising was produced by Dead Gentlemen Productions and Epic Level
Entertainment, filmed in 2005, with a Gen Con premiere in 2006. Distribution of the film began in 2008.
1,796 people backed a Kickstarter campaign in 2015 to produce a Definitive Edition Blu-Ray of the cult

Its sequel, The Gamers: Hands of Fate was supported by 4,311 Kickstarter backers pledging more than
$405,000. Production by Zombie Orpheus Entertainment began in 2012, and it was released in 2013.

# # #

Project Assets:
Kickstarter link

Kickstarter pitch video (via YT)

Media Assets available at

Scott Kurtz to Join the Cast of Gamers 4: Dorkness Falls

Contact: Matt Vancil,
Saturday 01 June 2024


Scott Kurtz to Join the Cast of Gamers 4: Dorkness Falls

Tacoma, WA

Cabin 9 Films announced today that Eisner and Harvey award-winning cartoonist, Scott Kurtz, is to join the cast of Gamers 4: Dorkness Falls.

“One of the greatest pleasures of our last 20+ years on the convention circuit,” wrote Writer/Director Matt Vancil on the film’s third Kickstarter Update, “has been getting to know other media creators and gaming celebrities, many of whom we now call friends. We’re thrilled to have Scott join the cast of Dorkness Falls.”

Scott Kurtz is the creator of PvP and Table Titans and played Binwin Bronzebottom in Penny Arcade's Acquisitions Inc., one of the earliest Dungeons & Dragons podcasts. Recently, Scott has ventured into authoring kid-lit with his debut middle-grade novel Table Titans Club.

Gamers 4: Dorkness Falls is the conclusion to the feature-length film trilogy that started with Dorkness Rising (2008), and continued with Hands of Fate (2013). It is seeking $500,000 on Kickstarter through June 29th to fund the production. Visit for more information on the campaign.

Preproduction will begin in Fall 2024, and production in Spring 2025. The film is slated for a December 2026 release.

Cabin 9 Films is part of Matt Vancil’s Bearfoot Media LLC, and is managing the production of Dorkness Falls.

The Gamers: Dorkness Rising was produced by Dead Gentlemen Productions and Epic Level Entertainment, filmed in 2005, with a Gen Con premiere in 2006. Distribution of the film began in 2008. 1,796 people backed a Kickstarter campaign in 2015 to produce a Definitive Edition Blu-Ray of the cult classic.

Its sequel, The Gamers: Hands of Fate was supported by 4,311 Kickstarter backers pledging more than $405,000. Production by Zombie Orpheus Entertainment began in 2012, and it was released in 2013.

# # #

Project Assets:

Kickstarter link

Kickstarter pitch video (via YT)

Media Assets available at

Funding Now! Gamers 4: Dorkness Falls

Contact: Matt Vancil,
Friday 31 May 2024


Funding Now! Gamers 4: Dorkness Falls

Tacoma, WA

DORKNESS FALLS, the conclusion to the feature-length film trilogy that started with Dorkness Rising (2008), and continued with Hands of Fate (2013), is seeking $500,000 on Kickstarter through June 29th. goes directly to the Kickstarter campaign.

The Gamers
movies have been featured on Netflix, Amazon Prime, and screened at festivals and conventions worldwide.

The Gamers is a story we began telling over twenty years ago,” writes Matt Vancil, writer/director of The Gamers films. “The series began with The Gamers, a 48-minute short that was made for $500 in 2002, and went on to go viral in the days before YouTube, selling tens of thousands of DVDs and leading directly to the production of the feature-length Dorkness Rising.” He concludes, “What began as a passion project has grown into an indie cult classic franchise.”

“We would not be here…” says Nathan Rice in the Kickstarter pitch video, “if not for the unflagging support of fans over the last 20 plus years.

Dorkness Falls will conclude the story line that began with Dorkness Rising (2008) and continued through Hands of Fate (2013). At the end of the last film, The Shadow—the nemesis of the players since the original Gamers —pulled the players into the game world itself. What have the gamers been up to since then? Who is The Shadow, and what are his plans? How have they managed to survive without powers or class levels? And will they ever find their way home? The answers, and so many familiar faces, will be found in Dorkness Falls.

The entire main cast of Dorkness Rising are reprising their roles (or taking on new ones) including Nathan Rice, Brian S. Lewis, Carol Roscoe, Scott C. Brown, Christian Doyle, and Jennifer Page.

Several cast and crew alum are back as well, including Matt Shimkus (The Shadow), Chris Mosio (Director of Photography), Kevin Inouye (Fight Choreographer) and Matt Vancil (Writer/Director).

The Kickstarter runs through June 29, 2024. Preproduction will begin in Fall 2024, with production planned for Spring 2025. It will then enter 18 months of postproduction with a planned for release in December 2026.

Cabin 9 Films, which is managing the production of Dorkness Falls, is part of Matt Vancil’s Bearfoot Media LLC.

The Gamers: Dorkness Rising was produced by Dead Gentlemen Productions and Epic Level Entertainment, filmed in 2005, with a Gen Con premiere in 2006. Distribution of the film began in 2008. 1,796 people backed a Kickstarter campaign in 2015 to produce a Definitive Edition Blu-Ray of the cult classic.

Its sequel, The Gamers: Hands of Fate was supported by 4,311 Kickstarter backers pledging more than $405,000. Production by Zombie Orpheus Entertainment began in 2012, and it was released in 2013.

# # #

Project Assets

Kickstarter link

Kickstarter pitch video (via YT)

Media Assets available at